Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Escape 2 Create and Other Creating

So I have been loving creating some new pages, and just playing in my scrap space at night time :)

As I mentioned in a post Below I had some photos I needed to post from the E2C so I will do that first and then add in my pics from what I have been doing at home :)

This was one of the first pages I completed at the E2C - I used a beautiful photo taken by Tiff Firth Photography and some of the goodies from the goody bags 

This was Gina Rogers Class and I am pretty happy with how it turned out :)

This one was Natalie Elphinstone's class and I enjoyed the challenge of folding the paper :)

I was playing around the other night and completed a page for Tatum for her first day of Kindy - my do they grow quickly!

Here is another page I completed in my own time at the Escape 2 Create. It is a very girly page, but I loved making it, and behind the tag on the left of the page is some hidden journeling. 

I completed this page during the WWWW and I am pretty happy with the end result. It is a very plain page compared to what I usually do, but because I had so many photos I do not think it needed too much more.

This was another page created at E2C in my own time, practicing some techniques I had been using for the classes. I am pretty happy with the end result. 

So that is what I have been up to recently. Thank you for looking. Happy Scrapping :) xx 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

On a roll..............

Since I have just done a post for the first time in nearly 12 months, I thought I may as well do another.

I have 1 more page I want to show then I'm off (hopefully not for another 12 months)

I have a Silhouette Cameo and I'm loving it so much (I have a generous family) and have been cutting many things out like a mad woman just recently. 

During the WWWW i learnt a couple of tricks from Tiff Firth and am now refining them to incorporate into my scrap pages. 

Here is a page I finished last night, which I am pretty happy with. 

Thank you to Tiff Firth Photography for the Image :)

The title and the Butterflies were cut out using the silhouette cameo and I love all of them :) 

Thank you for Looking xxx 

Yearly Addition ;)

Hi all,

I am finding that it is usually about 12 months between posts - he he he - better get my organisational skills a little more organised I think ;)

I am still working full time, and between my growing girls and a husband (who all seem to need constant attention) I have not been getting a lot of scrap booking done.

I did attend the annual E2C this year (and it was fabulous as usual) and I think I will have to get my things together and take some photos of the pages I had completed. I did not get a lot done - but was happy with the results none the less, more to put into albums :)

We then had a WWWW at Wudinna the weekend of the 5th & 6th July (most of the other girls were lucky and got there on the Friday and Started Scrapping). I had a blast and just love spending time with the girls that come over. Thanks to Brigette and Karen for bringing the shop again xx

Here are a couple of pages that I managed over the couple of days

I love this photo i snapped a couple of years ago at Port Neil and i think I nearly have the colours spot on. 

Delta loved it when Tatum got her tonsils out because if we offered Tatum Ice Cream we would have to offer Delta some too - and she often got two helpings for the first couple of days because Tatum just didn't feel like anything. 

We loved camping one long weekend in 2013 with our friends. It was bloomin cold, but other than that the kids picked mushrooms, went sand boarding and played in the open space - It was so much fun. 

Delta is a little character at the best of times, and I think this little grin she has on sums it all up. Thank you to Tiff Firth Photography for the super awesome photos at the Cummins Christmas Wonderland.

So this was a little bit of stuff I have managed. I will have to dig out my pages etc from E2C and see what I did actually manage to get done.

Thanks For Looking xx